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Stone Curves is a cohousing community in Tucson Arizona that fosters diversity, respect for the environment, and harmony with one another and the greater society.
Stone Curves is a cohousing community in Tucson Arizona that fosters diversity, respect for the environment, and harmony with one another and the greater society.
(Click on photo to start video).
Tucson lies in southern Arizona's magnificent Sonoran Desert and is surrounded by four spectacular mountain ranges. Home to the University of Arizona, Tucson also boasts of a lively downtown, well maintained city parks, many bike lanes, a new streetcar system, a thriving art scene, a fascinating history and proximity to Mexico.
Stone Curves is the youngest of three cohousing communities in Tucson. We were built in 2004. We have approximately 65 adults, 20 children and numerous cats, dogs and chickens.
"Cohousing communities are intentional, collaborative neighborhoods created with a little ingenuity. They bring together the value of private homes with the benefits of more sustainable living. That means residents actively participate in the design and operation of their neighborhoods, and share common facilities and good connections with their neighbors." Visit the National Cohousing Association for more information about cohousing.
"Stone Curves is a place where I can let my kids out the door and I don't worry about traffic or who they'll meet." - Current community member and mother of two.
"I really like growing up here. It's like having a big family."- Teenage community member.
Neighbors often enjoy impromptu chats on front porches, at the playground or along the walkways that wind through the community.
"When I moved to Stone Curves, I knew I wasn't moving into a condo, I was moving into a community." - New community member